Sunday, 1 December 2013

Winter Foliage

The December Challenge (Number 21) for the Chocolate Baroque Zentangle Group is based upon the theme of Winter. Fir trees are what immediately spring to my mind when I think of winter &, of course, snow. Our front garden is hedged with Cotoneaster bushes providing an abundant feast of berries for the birds at this time of year so my Zentangle Inspired Artwork (ZIA) developed along the lines of winter foliage rather than snowflakes.

tangles: Flux, Verdigogh

The official Zentangle tile was edged with a black marker (Mememto) prior to mounting onto a larger square of black cardstock with rounded corners. A white gel pen was used to add highlights to the berries.


jackiescrafts said...

Wow Paula this is fantastic I love it

Jackie x

Sally H said...

This is stunning, Paula! Such a beautiful design. I would love it as a stamp and use it over different backgrounds (like shaving foam marbling) or in embossing powder or metallic flake - gorgeous!

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Very beautiful Paula, I like the solid lines against the softer design (sorry can't remember the names of the tangles). Happy Sunday, Shirleyx

Alice said...

beautiful work, paula, i really like the contrast of the stark next to the lively!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

You should make prints of this wintery design to use for Christmas cards. The preciseness of your strokes and crispness of your design are stunning. Blessings, my friend!

Aquarius said...

This foliage is so right for winter - love it

Pat said...

These tangles are fascinating. I noticed, on looking at some tangle designs, the Verdigogh was open, but filling it in goes perfectly with the flux design and the berries are lovely. It must take a long time to achieve such a perfect piece of work.

Gill said...

A beautifully balanced and striking card, which typifies the cold nd strk winter days.

GinaA said...

What a beautiful design Paula, I so agree with all of the other comments. It is a beautifully crafted piece of artwork and your penwork is superb. The contrast between the two tangles is so striking and gives a lovely feeling of looking through one frond to view the plant behind.

alexandra s.m. said...

Dear Paula,

Thank You for sharing such a master piece!
It's beautiful and so well balanced. I think your work with these contrasting lines is fabulous. It makes me think of the yin/yang in a way...your attention to details is quite amazing!